Roxy Kazem

Board of Directors & Co-Founder

Human bio: I love the earth and this existence. I love all living things that which I hold dear - people plants and animals. I love the experiences I’ve had and those still yet to come. I love the vessel I’ve been gifted to explore this earth and I love culture, art, and especially kindness. Love is connection. Love is community. Love is healing.

Professional bio: Roxanna “Roxy” Kazemzadeh is a Senior Consultant at Baker Tilly specializing in databases and financial data management. She graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Finance & Information Systems from the University of Maryland class of 2020. She has lifelong interests in mental health, art, philosophy and spiritualism, D&I, and human rights. At the University of Maryland, she worked with Scholars Promoting and Revitalizing Care (SPARC) as one of their Co-Presidents, to organize fundraising, self-care, and mental health awareness events. She carried this passion post-grad and co-founded Evolving Minds with Anthony. Her greatest skills are her positivity and ability to make meaningful connections with others to help people achieve their goals. She speaks three languages and travels globally year-round.