Anthony Sartori

Executive Director & Founder

Human bio: What am I curious about? How culture evolves through time. How people change culture. How cultures change people, for better or for worse. What is it about our common humanity, in a world with so much harm and oppression, that demands social progress? This is what I am most curious about. What connects us.

Professional bio: In March 2020, Anthony founded Evolving Minds, a mental health nonprofit with the mission to create a culture of care.

Anthony has developed innovative workplace mental health programs that center social connection, community, and organizational culture; essential ingredients of a healthy workplace. He has trained over 1,500 program graduates across industries, from nonprofits, to public education, philanthropy, retail, government, and universities. His programs have demonstrated compelling impact – including an over 30% reduction in symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress, a 57% reduction in absenteeism (employee call outs) and an 83% increase in empathy.

Anthony is a national professional speaker with Active Minds, one of the country's leading mental health nonprofits, and with Weave: The Social Fabric Project by the Aspen Institute. Recently, he spoke on a LinkedIn Presents podcast, The Anxious Achiever, and at the Community Foundation of Northern Virginia's 2024 Shape of the Region Conference. His work has been featured in Mental Health America’s Workplace Mental Health Toolkit.

Anthony has been honored by the Maryland Governor's Office on Service and Volunteerism, awarded the Baltimore Weaver Award by the Aspen Institute, received the Rising Terp Alumni Excellence Award by the University of Maryland, and was showcased in the Change the World Exhibit by the Do Good Institute.

Anthony holds a B.A. in Psychology from the University of Maryland and is a graduate of a two-year Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program by Tara Brach and Jack Kornfield.